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free teaching resources
for all who know and love a little one

Why Differentiate?
ALL kids are on different learning paths...
they crawl, walk, talk, read and learn
at different stages and different ways.
Differentiating means meeting a child at his/her individual level. ALL Smart Charts offer THREE options for learners of all ability levels!
What is a Smart Chart?
Also called graphic organizers
or thinking maps,
Smart Charts by Kathryn are engaging
workmats designed to help children
improve reading comprehension AND come with BUILT-IN DIFFERENTIATION OPTIONS
Smart Charts help children to
organize thoughts
visualize text
construct ideas
sequence information
brainstorm ideas,
plan what to write
make inferences,
predict outcomes
process problems and solutions,
compare and contrast
show cause and effect...and more!
All Smart Charts...
have built-in discreet differentiation ideas for learners of all ability levels
= Support Needed (Star)
= Progress on Track (Planet)
= Ready for Challenge (Rocket)
can be used by teachers in whole class instruction, small group, centers, one-on-one or paired learning.
can be used by parents, grandparents or caregivers at home to strengthen learning gaps of those who need additional support or offer enrichment for students ready for a challenge.
are CCSS-aligned.

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